Monday, August 27, 2018

2018 High Tech Electric Skateboard by Ownboard Ranked Among the Best to Own

Hong Kong, China – Aug. 26, 2018 – Ownboard CEO, Luis Annie, announced that the company’s high-tech skateboards have earned their place among the best to own by consumers. The company’s offerings are ranked among the best electric boards to buy in 2018.
“Ownboard makes sure that their products are refined so that customers receive only the best and brightest,” said Annie. “We’ve become the number one provider of motorized and electric skateboards for a diverse range of individuals.”
The company offers a range of different premiere models to accommodate the needs of children to adults. Ownboard’s motorized skateboards, or e-skateboards as they’re also known, are available in different looks and price points, enabling anyone to select the product that best suits their lifestyle.
Of special interest is the company’s recently released high-tech skateboard called Phoebe. Its many abilities and features have made it a favorite with consumers and it’s ranked among one of the best electric skateboards of 2018.
Electric skateboards have consistently gained in popularity as an alternative to bicycles and other vehicles for convenient, reliable and affordable transportation. There are multiple factors to consider when selecting an electric skateboard that includes lifespan, longevity and durability, along with maneuverability, speed and range.
An electric skateboard can reduce travel time and costs an average of one-tenth the overall costs of a car. Due to the many stops required by public transportation, an electric skateboard enables individuals to arrive at their destination quicker and electric skateboards allow travelers to avoid traffic tie-ups.
Ownboard offers an extensive range of parts and accessories for electric skateboards. For do-it-yourself enthusiasts, the company provides multiple electric skateboard decks and longboard decks to fit any budget. Consumers will also find helpful and informative videos on the company website.
Some people ride an electric skateboard for fun, others for entertainment, while many simply want an affordable and reliable form of transportation. Ownboard’s range of motorized electric skateboards offer a durable yet stylish and environmentally-friendly option whether an individual is commuting to work, navigating a college campus, or just enjoying a day in the sun.

About Ownboard
Ownboard is an online store that is experienced in providing customers with a line of professionally developed skateboards. The company is a multi-capable seller that provides complete electric skateboards, alongside parts and accessories, to ensure customers are able to obtain all the various goods they need without having to go to multiple stores. Their quality is attested to by their many customers. Through provision of excellent electric skateboards, the company has made a name for itself online and offline and is considered one of the top names in electric skateboard sellers. Connect with Ownboard on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and Instagram.

Media Contact
Phone: (+86) 0755 84190199

Thursday, August 16, 2018

2018 High Tech Electric Skateboard by Ownboard Reaches the Top of Everyone's Purchase List

Electric skateboards have gained a lot of traction lately. Not only have they become the norm to use just for a fun way to travel outdoors, but also a very convenient alternative to bikes and other vehicles. However, when it comes to electric skateboards the quality of its manufacturing can really determine a lot of imperative qualities about it. This includes things such as its lifespan, longevity, durability and much more.
This is why before one chooses to invest into one of these, it is best to do some research and uncover which option is really the best one available. Many have stated that the ones offered by are really some of the premier options available in the market right now. Ownboard offers some of the latest builds and brands that are currently available in the market, and their quality is one that many customers can vouch for.
Their range of motorized skateboards or e-skateboards as many call them to come in many different prices and looks, and one can choose the one that suits their style perfectly. Their website is also developed quite professionally, meaning one easily browse through a variety of different products without any issues or difficulties.  Their recently released high tech electric skateboard called Pheobe has caused a stir because of its many features and abilities. It is ranked among one of the best electric boards to buy in 2018. makes sure that their products are refined so that their customers receive only the best and brightest. As a result, they have become the number one provider of motorized and electric skateboards for many different people, who continue to utilize their website. That said, if one wishes to purchase an excellent skateboard to either gift or keep for themselves, is one website that is recommended by many.
Ownboard is an online store that is experienced in providing their customers a line of professionally developed skateboards.
They are often called a multi-capable seller that provides complete electric skateboards, alongside separate parts and accessories. Through this, their customers are able to get all of the various goods they need without having to go to multiple different stores. Their quality is something that many customers can attest to.

Through the provision of excellent electric skateboards, they have managed to make a name for themselves online and offline. Many people consider them to be one of the top names in electric skateboard sellers, and as a result, their website has become a massive point of attention. For more information:

Saturday, August 11, 2018


This HowTo / Tutorial video shows how to do a deck swap for electric skateboards / longboards. Here the Ownboard Mini is exchanged with a C1 deck but the procedure is similar for WowGo, Meepo and other Chinese electronic skateboards.

You can see the motors, new Samsung 6.0 Ah battery, the new voltmeter and the inside of the board

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Elektrisk skateboard

En elektrisk skateboard, även kallad motoriserad skateboard, är en skateboard som har modifierats så att den drivs med en motor. Den elektriska skateboarden kan styras med hjälp av en fjärrkontroll, med vilken det går att reglera hastigheten, bestämma färdhåll och se batterinivån.

Strömkällan till skateboarden består av ett kraftfullt batteri, bestående av litiumjoner, bly eller lipo4. De två vanligaste formerna av motordrift är antingen en hub-motor, vilken är inbyggd i hjulen på skateboarden, eller utomstående motordrift där skateboardhjulen drivs av en rem. Om batteriet har 800-watt kan man vanligtvis köra mellan 15 och 50 kilometer med den, innan man behöver ladda batteriet.

Den maximala hastigheten man kan köra med en elektrisk skateboard är mellan 25 och 45 km/h beroende på modell, motortyp och strömkälla. En del tillverkare tillhandahåller extra batterier man kan applicera på skateboarden. Vikten för dessa ligger mellan 5 och 15 kg, och kan påverka manövreringen av skateboarden. Ju tyngre brädan är, desto svårare kan det vara att styra den.

Den första elektriska skateboarden byggdes år 1975, men det var först i slutet av 1990-talet och under 2000-talet som det blev alltmer populärt med denna typen av färdmedel. År 2012 genomfördes det bland annat en kickstarterkampanj av ZBoard som gick ut på att de skulle bygga en elektrisk skateboard som var balanserad och kontrollerbar. Kampanjen spred sig och den slutliga summan de fick in var 30 gånger mer än vad de hade som ursprungligt insamlingsmål.

Det finns idag en mängd olika elektriska skateboards, de har vissa saker gemensamt och andra saker som skiljer dem åt. Det kan till exempel finnas skillnader på brädor baserat på vilken väg de är tänkta att åka på; vissa brädor är avsedda för asfaltsvägar medan andra går att åka med på ytor bestående av gräs, grus och sand.

Ownboard ElektroSkateboards

Das Unternehmen JOINTECH wurde im Jahr 2013 gegründet und hat Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von OEM- und ODM-Komplettprodukten sowie der Lieferung einer breiten Palette von Einzelteilen. Das technische Team von JOINTECH ist bereit, wertvolle Vorschläge und alternative kreative Ansätze zur Erfüllung praktischer technischer Anforderungen zu liefern. Heute bietet JOINTECH komplette elektrische Skateboard-Design- und Fertigungslösungen an. JOINTECH ist zudem der Herstellungspartner vieler internationaler Marken. Die Marke Ownboard wurde im Jahr 2017 gegründet. Wir haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt, unseren Kunden höchste Qualität, exzellenten Kundenservice und niedrigste Preise zu bieten. Alle unsere Produkte werden in unseren Werkstätten produziert, somit können wir unseren Kunden niedrigste Preise auf dem Markt anbieten.

Elektro Skateboard – angesagt, cool und voll im Trend
Elektro-Skateboards sind, wie es der Name schon verrät, Skateboards mit Elektroantrieb, die durch eine Mobile App oder Funkfernbedienung beschleunigt und gebremst werden. Leistungsstarke Modelle können eine Endgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 48 km/h erreichen.
Ein motorisiertes Skateboard ähnelt wegen der Größe einem Longboard und ist in den meisten Fällen mit größeren Offroad Reifen ausgestattet. Alle Elektro-Boards haben eines gemeinsam: Sie sind alle mit einem Elektromotor ausgestattet, der sich unterhalb des Decks befindet. Bei manchen Modellen ist der Motor in den Rollen eingebaut.
Das Elektro-Board bringt dich von A nach B, ohne dabei pushen zu müssen. Der angebrachte Motor erledigt die meiste Arbeit. Ein motorisiertes Skateboard wird durch Gewichtsverlagerung gelenkt. Nachdem das Elektro-Bord mittels Ladekabel aufladen wurde, kann der Spaß schon losgehen. Ist der Akku leer gegangen, lässt sich das Bord weiterhin genau wie ein gewöhnliches Board fahren. Mit Elektro-Skateboard sind kleinere Hügel kein Problem mehr, ein ärgerliches Hinauftragen ist nicht mehr notwendig. Während der Fahrt hält der Elektro-Skateboarder die Fernbedienung in der Hand. 
Um Verletzungen zu vermeiden, ist es empfehlenswert Schutzkleidung wie Helm, Knieschoner, Ellenbogen- und Handschützer zu tragen, wenn du ein elektrisches Skateboard fährst. Da hohe Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 40 km/h erreicht werden, sollten Elektro-Skateboards nur von erfahrenen Skatern gefahren werden.
Owboards Elektro-Skatebords wurden aus purer Leidenschaft entwickelt, damit die Skateboarder das besondere Surf- und Snowboardfeeling jederzeit auch an Land erleben können. Ein stressiger Weg zur Arbeit kann mit einem Ownboard Elektro-Skatebord zum entspannten City Surf werden.

Genieße deinen Lebensstil mit Ownboard E-Skateboards
Das Ownboard Elektro-Skateboard verwendet einen bürstenlosen Nabenmotor mit zwei Antrieben, FOC-Controller, Samsung und Sanyo Batterie. Alle Komponenten werden aus hochwertigen Materialien hergestellt. Alle unsere Produkte verfügen über hohe Qualität, sind sicher und stabil und werden zu erschwinglichen Preisen angeboten. Ownboard Elektro-Skateboard ist die ideale Wahl für City-Cruiser. Ein Elektro-Skateboard ist mehr als nur ein Produkt – es ist eine Art zu leben!
Ownboard bietet in seinem umfangreichen Sortiment auch alle Teile und Zubehör für Elektro-Skateboards an. Hier findest du die besten ESC, HUB-Motoren, Elektro-Skateboard-Batterien, Elektro-Skateboard-Ladegeräte und vieles mehr.

Skateboard-Decks haben einen großen Einfluss auf die Fahreigenschaften sowie den Komfort, darum ist es wichtig das richtige Skateboard-Deck zu kaufen. Entscheidend sind hierbei nicht nur die Form, sondern auch die verwendeten Materialien und die Breite des Skateboard-Decks. Skateboard Decks erlebten in der Vergangenheit viele Veränderungen und Entwicklungsphasen. Aktuell gibt es Decks mit verschiedenen Breiten, Längen und Shapes. Die meisten Decks werden aus nordamerikanischem Ahornholz gefertigt, sodass sie besonders widerstandsfähig und stabil sind. Ownboard bietet Skateboard Decks in unterschiedlichen Größen, Formen und Ausführungen an. 

Electric Skateboard: uma nova geração de Skates!

Quando os primeiros suspiros sobre a existência de um possível skate começaram, em 1950, o equipamento era apenas um substituto temporário para aos surfistas em dias de ondas não favoráveis. Foi somente em 1972 que a prática ganhou destaque próprio, após a atualização das rodas para algo mais seguro para os praticantes.

E isso foi só o começo, pois apesar de skate ser uma modalidade relativamente nova, comparada ao próprio surf ou outros esportes, rapidamente ganhou adeptos fiéis e passou a fazer parte do universo de muitos jovens que adotaram-o como parte de suas filosofias de vida, assim como já acontecia com os surfistas.

De um derivado o skate ganhou vida própria e praticantes que não necessariamente eram envolvidos com o mundo do surf. De estilo de vida tornou-se esporte e segue até hoje como sendo uma das principais manifestações urbanas dentre jovens.

Quando se fala de skate hoje também falamos sobre moda, pois seus praticantes aderiram marcas e acessórios que tornaram-se a identidade de seus usuários, o que só prova como seu crescimento foi rápido em um período tão curto.

Com o crescimento da tecnologia, e o desenvolvimento do próprio mercado de skates, uma novidade chegou a rotina dos skaters (também chamados de sk8): o Skate Elétrico.

Trata-se de uma versão motorizada do aparelho, oferecendo ainda mais possibilidades para o uso rotineiro da prancha de asfalto.

Disponível em diversas velocidades e versões, a ferramenta não é um limitador de uso do skate convencional, pelo contrário, usuários ainda podem usar o skate da maneira tradicional, sendo a motorizada apenas uma das opções para trajetos mais longos e com necessidades específicas.

A OWNBOARD é uma marca especializada nos chamados Eletric Skateboards e oferece diversos modelos e acessórios para quem dar início a prática ou é um skater veterano em busca de atualizações na tecnologia sobre as rodas.

Conheça todos os modelos acessórios disponíveis em nosso site

E aí, você já provou o skate elétrico?